The fascinating world of an Orange!

Animals: Pets

I have one dog and love him to pieces! Although I’m biased toward dogs, I’ve gotta say that anyone with a pet they sincerely takes care of deserve respect. It’s no easy feat and quite a bit of responsibility to take care of an organism which doesn’t remind you what to do and when to do it. But, when you do take care of them and connect with them and love them unconditionally, they will inevitably return the same toward you.

My Dog

Sometimes, I wonder what my life would be like without my dog and quite frankly, I cannot begin to fathom how I would be without this, now, huge part of my life. It’s not as though I’ve had him for a decade, he’s been with my family for less than three years. When he goes off to the groomers, the house seems so dull and quiet. When he’s home, it’s not as though he’s rowdy, I think it’s just the comfort his presence itself gives me. I’m telling you, I’m sure he can understand me and he communicates very well with all of us, he’s super intelligent!

One of my favorite parts of the day is him jumping up and wagging his tail upon seeing me and the look of joy on his face. To think that I was the cause of that happiness astounds me because I don’t really do much aside from pet him when he wants, feed him regularly, walk him regularly and even that, I do reluctantly, on occasion. But, I have to say that he and I have definitely connected, he’s my stable rock and I cannot imagine what will happen in ten years or so when he’ll get old (the thought itself brings tears to my eyes).

So, this brings me to kind of the point of this post, animal cruelty. I have no idea why people can be so sadistic, it’s a poor animal with no voice and no way to express themselves except in a way you may perceive as entertaining or threatening. It’s disgusting the things that are documented on shows like Animal Cops. How in the world can someone leave a living organism behind with no regard for its well-being?

To think that all people are humane is just idiocy, there are some right arses in this world who ought to be – I would say whacked but let’s not seem too violent – done something to so they learn that an animal/a pet is not something to toy with.

I remember my brother and I playing with a stray cat, she wasn’t even a pet to us, she came and went and we left her milk when we felt like it. My fondest memory is her allowing my brother and I to touch her kittens after she had her litter. Those little things were so adorable, beyond words really and I was pleasantly surprised to see that the cat trusted us so much. Although we moved out of that house, my grandmother still lives there and tells us that the cats still come around which is really nice. They do get attached and they do have emotions. They’re a freaking living being and cruelty toward them ought to be punished, so ridiculous.

Anyway, enough rambling. Just make sure that if you see anyone treating an animal cruelly, DO something aside from telling them that they’re being cruel.

Also, below are related articles, the Salem youth one especially gets me but I’m kind of glad that they turned themselves in, stoopid kids.

Comments on: "Animals: Pets" (1)

  1. I completely agree that house pets should never be treated wrongly, nor should any animal that could be taken care of in a home.

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